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Texas College and Career Readiness School Models
Empowering students today for success tomorrow.

How CCRSM Empowers Students
Preparing students for the world beyond high school is critical to the economic future of our nation. In the state of Texas, historically underserved students comprise the majority of our total student population. To close opportunity gaps and equalize access to high-quality education, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) created the Texas College and Career Readiness School Models (CCRSM) Network. This network, led by the TEA, brings together proven models under a single umbrella of support. Each model offers a unique pathway to postsecondary education, while ensuring that all students have the opportunity to achieve their highest potential.
School Models
The Early College High School (ECHS) and Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) models provide innovative, rigorous programming to help students develop college and career skills, earn postsecondary credentials and certifications, such as college credit hours, industry-based certifications, associate degrees, and prepare students to become top candidates for recruitment for in-demand, high-wage fields
Impact of CCRSM
Number of Campuses
Number of Students in CCRSM
of P-TECH Students earn 15 or more college credits
of ECHS Students earn 15 or more college credits
See What CCRSM Can Do
Learn more about the CCRSM network and support through an extensive library of resources, videos, FAQs, and more.