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PTECH Benchmark 6
Work-Based Learning

B6 Work-Based Learning

Purpose of Work-Based Learning

The Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) must offer students a variety of relevant, high-skill, work-based learning experiences at every grade level that respond to student interest and regional employer needs and contribute to students earning aligned industry certifications and credentials.

Design Elements

All P-TECH must implement and meet the following:

6.1 Work-Based Learning Continuum

The P-TECH and business/industry partner(s) shall collaborate to ensure the P-TECH provides the following:

  1. Age-appropriate work-based learning for students in the P-TECH at every grade level that includes career exploration, career preparation, and career training
  2. Work-based learning experiences that are well-planned and properly sequenced to provide a progression of learning experiences for students—each one building upon the last
  3. Curriculum alignment among high school, postsecondary, and industry work-based learning experience requirements

Work-Based Learning Continuum

Example File

icon file downloadDocumentation of appropriate work-based learning experiences for students at all grade levels
6.2 Work-Based Learning Offerings

Work-based learning may include, but is not limited to facility visits, guest speakers, presentations, career information, career fairs, interview training, skill development, resume workshops, informational interviewing, job shadowing, internships, mentoring, and apprenticeships.

Work-Based Learning Offerings

Example File

Bullet pointAggregate data describing student participation in work-based learning experiences
6.3 Student Participation

The P-TECH and business/industry partner(s) shall ensure that students:

  1. are provided opportunities to reflect on their work experiences
  2. demonstrate their learning in writing, portfolio, presentation, digital, or by other means
  3. understand the connection between their work-based learning and academics

Student Participation

Example File

Bullet pointSamples of student artifacts such as writings, portfolios, presentations, and links to digital content
6.4 Enrichment and Extracurricular

The P-TECH and business/industry partner(s) shall ensure students are provided the opportunity to participate in enrichment and extracurricular opportunities, such as clubs, Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs), competitions, and special initiatives.

6.5 Student Data Tracking
The P-TECH shall biannually implement a structured data tracking system and process designed to identify student participation in work-based learning opportunities.
  1. The P-TECH will establish annual assessment measures and provide an opportunity for the business/industry partners to provide feedback on the value of work-based learning
  2. The P-TECH shall provide an assessment for measuring student progress to ensure students are on track to meet the outcomes-based measures